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Ranged after lowest viscosity/smearing effect, our water-based lubricants are as following:
Aka-Lube Clear+ is a polymer-based lubricant. It is the thinnest lubricant available and recommended to be used for hard materials and for very high material removal.
Aka-Lube Green is slightly thicker than Aka-Lube Clear+. It is recommended when both high material removal and surface finish is important.
Aka-Lube Yellow is used for polishing a wide range of materials?. It has properties that range between Aka-Lube Green and Aka-Lube Red and can therefore be used as a general lubricant or where Aka-Lube Green is too aggressive.
Aka-Lube Red is the thickest of our lubricants and thus the optimal choice for soft and sensitive materials.
Our water-free lubricants are as following:
Aka-Lube Clear WF is a water-free version of Aka-Lube Clear+ with very low viscosity used for fast preparation of water sensitive materials.
Aka-Lube Blue is a traditional, ethanol-based lubricant with excellent cooling used for fast, automated preparation.
Aka-Lube Blue Concentrate is Aka-Lube Blue without ethanol. As it is not flammable, it is safe and much less expensive to ship. It requires to be mixed with ethanol before use.
Do you want to know more about our lubricants for metallographic polishing or how to purchase them? Then find your local distributor by clicking here or contact us at