Cold Mounting Mixing Kit

Mixing kit for cold mounting
Can be used with all cold embedding materials.

Our cold mounting mixing kit contains:
200 mixing cups
200 mixing sticks

Additional information

Content available

200 pcs.

  • A 1-liter bottle of transparent epoxy resin with a red cap. The label reads “Aka-Resin Liquid Epoxy,” “Transparent, low viscosity, low shrinkage epoxy resin,” along with detailed mixing instructions and safety information. The item number 25101115 (8510) and production date are also included. Specially developed for metallographic applications, perfect for producing precise and durable sample mounts for analysis.

    Epoxy Mounting

    Aka-Resin Liquid Epoxy

  • Akasel Aka-Clear-2 Powder: White plastic container with black print. The label displays the Akasel logo and product description "Aka-Clear-2 Powder." Information includes: "Two-component quick curing kit for transparent mounts," "1 kg," along with detailed mixing instructions (e.g., "Mix 2 – 2.5 vol. powder with 1 vol. liquid"), curing times ("Cures in 7 – 8 min at room temperature"), and specific hardness details ("Hardness 85 – 87 Shore D"). Additional details include the batch number, manufacturing date, and safety and usage instructions. Specially developed for metallographic applications, perfect for producing transparent mounts for accurate analysis and sample preparation.

    Acrylic Resin

    Aka-Clear-2 Powder

  • Akasel Aka-Cure Quick: A brown glass bottle with a yellow screw cap, filled with epoxy curing agent for rapid hot-curing processes. The white label features the Akasel logo and the text "Aka-Cure Quick," along with additional information such as "Epoxy Curing Agent," "Quick hot cure schedule," and the volume "500 ml." Safety and usage instructions, as well as hazard symbols, are prominently displayed. Specially developed for metallographic applications, perfect for hard and easily preparable samples with quick curing times and accurate mixing guidelines.

    Epoxy Mounting

    Aka-Cure Quick

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